Sven Meyer
Sven Meyer works for the Patriotic Society of 1765, which has been giving impetus for social improvements in Hamburg and putting ideas into action since its founding. Regardless of party political interests and ideological positions, the Patriotic Society of 1765 offers a forum for the free exchange of opinions under the motto “Together for Hamburg.”
Dan Thy Nguyen
Dan Thy Nguyen is a freelance theatre director, actor, writer and singer based in Hamburg. He has worked on various productions, including at Ballhaus Naunynstraße, Kampnagel, Mousonturm Frankfurt, MDR and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. Since 2020, he has been running the Hamburg festival ‘fluctoplasma – 96h Kunst Diskurs Diversität’ with his production company Studio Marshmallow.
Sophie Pahlke Luz
Sophie Pahlke Luz has worked as a diversity officer and director at the Thalia Theatre. She currently works as a freelance director. With her art projects, she scrutinises social structures and opens up new spaces of possibility.
Christian Römmer
Christian Römmer, Chairman of Geschichtswerkstätten Hamburg e. V., the umbrella organisation of currently 21 history workshops in all districts of Hamburg. We preserve, research and communicate the history of Hamburg’s neighbourhoods.
Susanne Wilkin, Bücherhallen Hamburg
Head of the district libraries at Bücherhallen Hamburg since 2009. The system consists of 32 branches, two book buses and the central library. The Bücherhallen celebrated their 125th anniversary in 2024. They see themselves as the ‘living room of the city’ and are open to everyone.
Jonas Wietelmann
The Körber Foundation is operationally involved in the project realisation as a cooperation partner and is represented in the network circle by Jonas Wietelmann. As the foundation’s programme manager, he is responsible for the area of art and museums. Previously, the art historian stimulated a critical discourse on the future of city centres through contemporary art in public spaces as part of the experimental cultural programme IMAGINE THE CITY.
Hussam Al Zaher
Hussam Al Zaher ist Gründer und Chefredakteur des kohero Magazin. Das kohero Magazin Kohero Magazin ist eine gemeinnützige Plattform, die über Migration und Flucht berichtet. Sie teilt persönliche Geschichten und bietet neue Perspektiven von Menschen mit Migrationsgeschichte.